I haven't seen any paycheck stubs from the Russian state that prove your assertion that you so deftly 'prove' using that forthright source wikipedia. In fact all the videographers seem to appreciate the financial support that viewers give them. The really odd part is how they've been tried in abstentia by their own countries for their reporting, bank accounts seized, effects confiscated, yet our own media, which you'd have to have been living under a rock to have missed it, lies to us daily and has for decades. Then again there is the theft of anything 'Russian' by the west from Russian citizens. Yachts for one. Totally illegal. So, exactly who is breaking the law here??
I have heard the people being interviewed by Patrick Lancaster however. These are not sophisticated "California type" people. Neither is he when it comes to reporting. He's kind of dorky in that respect. Learning as he goes. He is getting better though.
The Ukrainian people are simple country folks. These interviews are not scripted. They are from the heart. These folks are like Appalachian mountain people without the mountains. Missing teeth, tattered clothes. Some don't want to be interviewed because they fear retribution from the Ukrainian side - who have a kill list btw. The nature of the front line is that each side comes and goes. If you have a white armband when the Ukrainians advance you might get dead. Blue armbands showed you were Ukrainian friendly.
Nobody has to view the videos. I realize folks want to read text, but videos by their very nature are not 'readable'. We all know text is unemotional. You don't get feelings in texts and sometimes it is misconstrued because there are no feelings other than stupid emojis and LOLZ.

In these 'highly suspect' videos I've seen where the Ukrainians staged a street with cars and dead bodies blaming the Russians for a massacre after they left. It had been 3 or 4 days since they moved out. How do I know it was staged other than that was the point of the video? If one knows anything about dead bodies they would know that rigor mortis sets in and bloating. There was none of this apparent in the video. It was all over MSM. The evil Russian soldiers killed civilians! The other 'error' was they didn't remove the white armbands. Now ask yourself why would the Russians be shooting friendlies? Why would Russia bomb the nuclear plant they have confiscated? Why would Russia blow up Nordstream II? It defies logic to believe any of that nonsense.
Then there are the fake news stories of bombing hospitals and schools all made up to blame Russia. Never mind that the people being interviewed were saying the Ukrainians were setting up and firing artillery in those areas which naturally got the intended response. The people also said the Ukies were shooting buildings with tank fire. Remember? The west calls the east 'separatists'? It's akin to calling Japanese '<redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets>s', or Germans 'krauts' etc. They don't care if they live. They also have been bombing the Donbas and Luhansk for 8 years, but somehow that fact is missed in the analysis. Only about 15,000 killed so far!
If Russia was truly fomenting war the would have taken out the electric grid, communications, sanitation right from the start, just like we did in Iraq. That is how war is fought. You destroy infrastructure making it impossible for society to exist. Kiev is still standing. Power is on, water is flowing etc.
There is a reason Putin said this was a SMO. International Law. Funny thing is he's actually following it unlike the west. Declaring 'war' is another legal term that causes all manner of actions to happen.
If you all are so 'read happy' I suggest you read every one of Putin's speeches for starters. I think you will see a different Putin once you do. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million or more!
What everyone seems to be missing is the reason for this political charade. We've all heard and seen snippets of it over the years. They have told us what their plan is. It's all over this site even.
The BIG picture: The Great Reset.
Getting rid of Trump was the reason for Covid. Upsetting the natural order of things, i.e., civilization, was accomplished using a made up disease. Oh sure, there is a sickness that was released upon the world. We now know it was a manufactured bio weapon. I've read where it was started in N. Carolina (?) and Obama said 'that violates US law' (he didn't want that jacket on his back) so they took it offshore (Ukraine) where it ended up in Wuhan - Who better to demonize than the Chinese? A virus scare ensued like never before for a 98% survivable disease.
If you've been paying attention you all know the hospitals were following a protocol from the WHO (look up Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the guy who runs that operation). Also, again... watching videos check out Amazing Polly on bitchute and her fantastic digs into PEPFAR, Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, GAVI, Fauci, and all the interconnecting webs of funding and who is on who's board of directors. It would require weeks of writing to cover what she does in 40 minutes and it's not just ONE video. More like 20.
The phony PCR test that was run out to 40X. The inventor of the PCR just 'happened' to die in 2019. The President of Tanzania John Magufuli sent PCR samples that he had randomly assigned human names and ages to a Tanzanian lab. One test was from a goat. The other was from a paw paw, a fruit. They 'tested' positive for Covid! He refused the jab for all of Tanzania. He died 5 weeks later of a 'heart attack'. In fact 2 other African leaders met a similar fate for refusing the jab for their people. Ever hear of the 'heart attack gun'?
Trump upset the NWO applecart. She was supposed to win. Their 16 year plan was 8 years of Obama (confiscation of the 2nd Amendment - he failed), then 8 years of Hillary who would get us into a nuclear war with... of all nations Russia! Imagine that!! This 'war' would be one the US would lose. Nations that lose wars also lose their Constitution! How do I know this? Remember naval ships running into other ships? Are we that sloppy? No, but when Hillary has a private server feeding top secret intel to whomever donated to her foundation it's not a stretch to figure out they acquired access codes to ships GPS logs and locations. It would be a simple task to hack in and alter it.
Then there was Hillary's 'sale' of 1/4 of US uranium to Russia known as Uranium 1. Turns out that U1 has a unique marker (as does all uranium produced) that identifies the batch. It so happens that 'No Name' (John McCain) took a canister of THAT U1 to Iran who was manufacturing a nuke in Syria (remember? Trump blew that operation up?) Imagine having a nuclear device that could be set off in say Ukraine...? The unique marker would implicate Russia! You'd have instant war and not just the US, the WHOLE WORLD would be behind taking Russia out for using a nuke in Ukraine. That WAS the plan if not for Trump turning the tables on the Deep State NWO by daring to run AND win the POTUS! I think certain parts of the military were backing him. Remember "Do you know what this is? The calm before the storm?"
Then there is Jon Herold, who uses the nom de guerre Patel Patriot. If you are hell bent on reading this is right up your alley!
Jon has the unique ability to suss out in great detail from published sources what he calls
Patel Patriot’s Devolution Series enjoy! Therein you will learn what he thinks is really going on behind the scenes of MSM political obfuscation. I think he's up to #24 now?
Are you starting to see the big picture? It's always been Russia Russia Russia! Beginning with 'Russia helped Trump get into office'. The $40 million Mueller investigation that was a total farce - actually it was to cover up their criminal activities. The fake Steele Dossier? That and the Alpha Bank hoax were proven in court under oath by Durham was paid for by Hillary in opposition to Trump. The corruption of the FBI at the highest levels? It's an invasion by infiltration, not head to head combat.
In the past wars were fought by first dehumanizing the opposition using the media to get the people to support a war, but today the internet makes fooling the populace much much harder.
I could go on for the rest of the day enlightening those who haven't been paying attention as I have, but I have to do what I've been doing for the past 20 years... researching the above!
So with all due respect, don't be telling me I don't know what I'm talking about especially when you all are late to the party.
You got a LOT of catching up to do!