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controlling China via controlling Iranian oil

War in Inevitable - Alastair Crooke, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen​

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To denigrate and dismiss Kim Dotcom as an "All-round conspiracy boy" takes class. He probably is on Russia's payroll too...


New Zealand to extradite internet mogul Kim Dotcom to the US​

New Zealand is set to extradite internet mogul Kim Dotcom to the United States after the country’s justice minister gave his approval on Thursday.

Dotcom, who was born in Germany but has New Zealand residency, had been fighting his extradition to the US since 2012. He is facing charges relating to his file-sharing site Megaupload, which was shut down by the US government the same year.

New Zealand Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith has now signed an extradition order for Dotcom, according to a government statement issued Thursday, paving the way for his deportation.

“I considered all of the information carefully, and have decided that Mr Dotcom should be surrendered to the US to face trial,” Goldsmith said, according to the statement.



Are Putin's red lines serious nuclear threats or blackmail? | DW News​

Aug 15, 2024 #nato #redlines #russiaukrainewar

Ukraine says its forces are continuing their advance into Russia's Kursk region, ten days after launching their surprise counterattack. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says his government has held talks on setting up a military administration in Kursk to allow the evacuation of civilians. Kyiv said it plans to use the area as a strategic buffer zone to protect its border areas from Russian attacks. Ukraine's cross-border advance into Russia has also renewed calls for its Western allies to drop their restrictions on how their weapons are used.


Chapter Breakdown
00:00 DW takes a look at these red lines, and how changing them might affect the situation on the battlefield.
4:36 Robert Murret, Military analyst, Syracuse University
9:14 Fabrice Pothier, Former NATO strategic policy planner
15:06 Kurt Volker, Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO under George W. Bush, Center for European Policy Analysis

Andrei Martyanov: Russia’s Plan to DESTROY Ukraine’s Army in Kursk & Overwhelm NATO​

Never mind that Ukraine's constitution forbids talks with Russia....

❗️Ukrainian militants are preparing a nuclear provocation - the explosion of a dirty nuclear bomb, according to a Russian military correspondent citing his sources in Ukraine.

"They plan to strike at storage sites for spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power plants," the correspondent reportes.

"Possibly during another attempt by militants to enter Rylsk in the Russian Kursk region from Glukhov. Special warheads for this provocation have already been delivered to the city of Zholtiye Vody in the Dnepropetrovsk region to the Vostochny Mining and Processing Plant," he said.

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❗️The military-civil administration of the Kharkov region stated that, according to operational information from prisoners of war, Ukraine plans to strike Russian nuclear facilities.

At the moment, the intention of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to attack the nuclear facilities of the Kursk and Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plants in Kurchatov and Energodar has been made known.

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At some point Putin will just unload about 50 megatons of hell on Ukraine. Probably tell the rest of the world to go ahead and launch everything they have at Russia But be warned that he has nuclear subs off the coats of every major city in the US and Europe.

Shoulda made friends with him while we had the chance. Thats how we could have changed the world but no money in it for the MIC so we dont take that approach.
At some point Putin will just unload about 50 megatons of hell on Ukraine. Probably tell the rest of the world to go ahead and launch everything they have at Russia But be warned that he has nuclear subs off the coats of every major city in the US and Europe.

Shoulda made friends with him while we had the chance. Thats how we could have changed the world but no money in it for the MIC so we dont take that approach.
Yep, that thought has crossed my mind as well. I don't know why he hasn't dropped paratroopers across Ukraine in key positions and shut it down.

If you follow André below on YT he points out that America doesn't understand how Russians think. They look at war in a different manner.
America looks at war as if it's Iraq or Libya... home for dinner at five.

Russia is methodical. Mathematical. Very precise.


SitRep Aug 16 2024​

Shoulda made friends with him while we had the chance. Thats how we could have changed the world but no money in it for the MIC so we dont take that approach.

Since ya brought it up, thought I'd post this here.

Don't even need to watch the vid. The title says all anyone should need to know.
....but I'd strongly suggest watching the video. It's only ten minutes.

EXPORTING WARS: Weapons Makers Enjoy Record 555% Shareholders' Returns as They Sabotage Peace Talks​

Yep, that thought has crossed my mind as well. I don't know why he hasn't dropped paratroopers across Ukraine in key positions and shut it down.

If you follow André below on YT he points out that America doesn't understand how Russians think. They look at war in a different manner.
America looks at war as if it's Iraq or Libya... home for dinner at five.

Russia is methodical. Mathematical. Very precise.


SitRep Aug 16 2024​


I always keep in mind that Russia lost 22 million in WW2 to defeat Hitler. I would never underestimate Russias resolve when they get involved.

Keep in mind this would have been over long ago had the US and UK not shut down peace talks with Russia and Zelensky. The solution is simple. Abide by the Minsk agreement and this thing is finished. But as I said, no money in it for the MIC. The MIC also knows if Trump Is elected this cash cow is finished for them. Thats a whole lot of reasons for them to do anything to stop him.

Putin may be one of the smarter leaders in the world right now. He started this to prevent Ukraine from becoming part of NATO. that's Putins line in the sand.

I can only speculate on tactics. Seems to me that Russia has enormous firepower just sitting in storage. More than 10,000 tanks alone which is more than the US and Europe combined. They also have as many subs as the US more or less. They are outnumbered by US fighters but as we are seeing now, the US is committing it's fighters to the war effort. I suspect Russia will shoot them all down and the US will send more. 50 million per F-16 and an operational cost of 22,000 plus per hour versus a Russian missile that takes one out.

So it appears that Russia is just drawing out Nato firepower and then destroying it. In the long run this costs the west way more than it costs Russia.
Russia doesn't have much of a navy. Some destroyers and lots of subs. What they haven't done is waste time on aircraft carriers. I think they already realize that a few hypersonic missiles and the US carrier is finished if it comes to that.

So, I think. case can be made that Russia is holding back in a big way. If this thing really ramps up then Russia has the home field advantage. But then we have China that has been more or less silent as of late. However they have ben speaking with Russia and my guess is they have a plan. China also wants Russian land and resources. In addition I think they have a view that China should be ruling the world instead of the US. With 1.3 billion people and a bunch of men who have no hope of finding a wife in china that's to the one baby policy they had in place for awhile. they have a whole lot of men ready to be armed up for a war. The world doesn't have enough bullets to kill them all.

So, if things really ramp up in Ukraine I can see China finally getting involved. We already know they are buying gold and unloading US treasuries. Obviously they aren't going to buy treasuries so the US can spend on military to take on China. Anyway, so China sends a couple hundred thousand troops to Ukraine to support Russias efforts there and tying up nato in Europe. They then start their conquest in Asia. 1st Taiwan, then the Philippines. Although I think the Philippines are already leaning towards supporting China anyway. China invests in the country and the US just tells them what to do and how many bases we want there. For now China can just ask them not to allow the US in and in return China will continue to support them. Not sure how that will play out but it's one scenario.

Meanwhile the US is tied up in the ME. How many carrier groups over there now? I think I read somewhere that 4 are in the region now. I think we have a total of 10 and some are always in port for rearming and refueling and whatever. Some are also in the med. I'm sure google knows but my point is even with 10 carrier groups, they cant handle a multitude of wars across the world on multiple fronts. If China gets aggressive in the south China sea we are fairly limited in what we can send over there. Might have to just let it go for now.
Ok I looked it up. the world has 21 carrier groups. 11 are US. 2 China and 1 Russia but I have heard Russias isn't very good. The lack of carrier strength by the east would suggest they have another tactic for dealing with carriers.

This isn't WW2 weaponry we are dealing with here either. The missile technology alone changes the battlefield and for now I feel like everyone is just watching to see how the other side deals with things. I also don't think the US has the appetite for war that we once had. A draft would be mandatory. But, what's available to draft? A bunch of overweight gamers with purple hair? So assuming we have any kids willing to be drafted that don't run to either Canada or Mexico, we also have millions of illegals to take their place here in the US. They are also getting fast tracked right now for citizenship so they could also be drafted now.

Again all of this is speculation on my part. Trump getting elected puts an end to all of this. If he doesn't get elected I assume the worst and the MIC will be firmly in control of the US pocketbook. This is the start of WW3 and if kami gets elected then I assume it's on. I think we all know how this ends. The safest place to be when this all goes down will be southern South America.
I always keep in mind that Russia lost 22 million in WW2 to defeat Hitler. I would never underestimate Russias resolve when they get involved.
The number that's been commonly used was 27 million, but recently I read that that number was closer to 36 million.


Still that's a lot of people. "Russians never give up!" Is what the Ukies yell to the Russians in the war.

Extrapolate those numbers and potential offspring and Russia's population would be pretty near the US's.

"Russia won WWII". The US merely arrived to mop up the remains. Hollywood 'won' WWII for the US.
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The number that's been commonly used was 27 million, but recently I read that that number was closer to 36 million.


Still that's a lot of people. "Russians never give up!" Is what the Ukies yell to the Russians in the war.

Extrapolate those numbers and potential offspring and Russia's population would be pretty near the US's.

"Russia won WWII". The US merely arrived to mop up the remains. Hollywood 'won' WWII for the US.
Yep, the world came together to take out national socialism. Now the US has become what the world fought so hard to defeat.

Boris cringe. Podolyak, Kursk convince Russia to talk. Humiliated Putin destroys Patriot batteries​



The Kursk Gamble According to The Economist

The British publication The Economist (citing its sources) discusses the plans and objectives of Zelensky's Kursk gamble.

According to their information, just before the offensive, Syrskiy was under threat of dismissal due to failures in Donbas.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) planned an offensive in the Kursk and Bryansk regions, involving 20,000 soldiers.

Currently, the advance into the Kursk region has been halted, and the UAF is reinforcing its flanks (which is exactly what we see happening in the Glushkovsky district).

The main goal of the UAF is to force the Russian Armed Forces to redeploy troops from Donbas, thereby disrupting their offensive operations, and to set up a favorable position for future peace negotiations.

InfoDefense Commentary

Judging by the current situation in the Toretsk and Pokrovsk directions, the UAF has not achieved its primary objective—in fact, quite the opposite.

The failure of the plans in the Kursk region is also evident. The so-called "reinforcement of the flanks" is an acknowledgment of the failed offensive.

We observed the UAF's preparations for an invasion of the Bryansk region and saw how the enemy expected us to weaken this direction in order to save the Kursk front. However, the strong resistance in Kursk and the steadfastness of the Russian command did not allow the UAF to initiate their operation here.

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