Alrighty so I suspect I'm probably waaaay younger than most here - judging by the kinda hilarious differences in our musical preferences aye(¿?)
One thing that strikes me-(*if the age variance assumption is accurate)-is that I apparently still have a heck of a lot more in common with you guys/gals than I do with people my own age-*(37). Which I find interesting for a number of reasons, including with regard for the cultural difference too, ie: most of y'all being

and me being


Perhaps I'm a crazy person, I don't know,... however I seem to think it is glaringly apparent that there are significant potential opportunities presented before us due to the commonalities-(*imo)-being far greater than any differences.
Surely I ain't the only one noticing this?

Ya know I have been encountering another very distinct common theme on other forums and particularly on the main xenforo.community/forum —where there's what I currently regard as a shamelessly prolific semi-covert Marxist agenda. Eg: they generally-very aggressively attack anyone who doesn't immediately & wholly conform to the hivemind parameters. I mean, it's not even subtle at all, as I regularly witness anyone daring step out of the strict-(*& hypocritically applied)-"rule" in the slightest—

—the hive attacks relentlessly en masse.

I'm certainly no exemption,...or rather—I actually go to extremes specifically to undermine their communalistic <redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets>goteering—which of course means I'm very much hated by these uber swinish pussies, also including one of the main XF owners - ChrisD who I called out recently.
Imo these dipshits appear to be determined to crush individualism via the use of weaponized social engineering, eg: peer pressure & etc, bent towards violently forcing us to submit into predetermined sterile boxes which would seem to be ideally suited for harvesting by Google algorithms and such.
It's like they intend for us to strictly self-censor/moderate anything we share so as to function akin to computers.
Shit I ain't even allowed to ask simple questions about any of this @xenforo.community/forum -

they delete almost all my posts now.
It's obviously intended to discourage by way of shame-silencing and just the sheer futility caused by the corrupt power dynamic. I think they would have us give up and melt away from the front lines so they can lazily assume dominance.
I'd probably be a bit pissed about them constantly deleting my posts-(*which I generally exert a lot of effort into creating),... however I now expect there stupid fuckin idiocy as a standard bullshit practice and so I instead document everything, eg: screenshotting my posts prior to posting—then copied to several ongoing case studies elsewhere which I've been working on.
Hopefully these can serve useful information sources eventually.
I'm definitely not the only regular @xenforo.community/forum who has noticed this crap either,... I've found others who are very upset about being "censored". Unfortunately so far my efforts to organize any meaningful collaborative networking aren't proving efficacious, I think likely coz I'm essentially an eccentric outspoken nobody and most seem to ignore me altogether simply due to my ideas being fuckin outside the common man's retarded little robobox.
How can we organize any effective resistance against the overwhelming communistic impositions seeking to crush us underfoot if we are unable to capitalize upon our commonalities because we'd apparently prefer to focus on every tiny difference as if equated to significance but which are irrelevant in the larger context.
Example: I agree with a lot of peoples pov on this forum but I also disagree on many other points too,...and in general I simply couldn't give two squirts of shit about money and financial stuff at all.
So why the heck am I going to the effort of posting here semi-regularly?
Some might tell me to quit whinging like a bitch and to just fuck off if I don't like the fundamentals of a site.
Yet imo that would be exactly the type of retarded thinking the decisive Marxist <redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets>goteers would hope for wouldn't it.
Us doing their dirty work for them.
As such I post here in an attempt to support this independent community coz imo - fuck those Marxist snakes.
Our independent communities are only as strong as the weakest link.
We can become even stronger by uniting to form a network of staunchly independent unique forum communities.
Our unified strength would always depend upon our capacity for maintaining our independence and individuality while also staunchly supporting each other via motivated reciprocal collaboration efforts.
Regardless whether resisting the Marxist agenda is a priority or not, the fact remains that independent communities coordinated collaborative networking can yield shitloads of benefits overall. I'm sure it isn't difficult to recognize any number of such as yet unrealized potentials aye, what these may be, I'll leave for your imagination as I conclude this early morning vent-post.