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The Cost of the LA Fires: Will Insurance Cover the Devastation? | Amanpour and Company
Jan 14, 2025 #amanpourpbs
As Californians lose their homes and their livelihoods, finances will become a crucial issue for many people needing to rebuild and carry on. Bloomberg Business reporter Leslie Kaufman says this is an "existential test" for the state's insurance system. She tells Hari Sreenivasan what it might mean for Americans as we face a future of increasingly extreme weather events.
Originally aired on January 14, 2025
For once, the people paying the price are EXACTLY the people who foolishly set themselves UP for this.In 2014, Prop 1 voters approved a $7.5 billion water bond with $2.7 billion for new water storage facilities.
A full decade later, none have been completed.
Just like the $24 billion CA committed last year to eradicate homelessness, and now the money is missing and the homeless population is skyrocketing.
The Dems fully caused the hellscape that has become CA.
$2 billion Powerball jackpot winner lost one of his three multi-million dollar homes in the LA wildfires
One of at least three houses bought by a $2 billion lottery winner has been destroyed by the Los Angeles wildfires. One other home appears safe for now and the status of the third is unknown.
When he won a record-breaking $2 billion Powerball jackpot in 2023, Edwin Castro began spending that money wildly, buying (among other things) a number of homes in California. Now, at least one of those is ashes, one of many victims of the wildfires burning in Los Angeles.