Most outrageous conspiracy theories

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I have been patient and giving you guys (and one alleged gal) a lot of latitude. But don’t be careless or you will force me with no alternatives, and I will have to close this thread.
I confess to being a bit confused. I posted some conspiracy theories in a thread about conspiracy me understand the guardrail that is being...shall we say stretched.
I'm going to once again remind folks to maintain decorum. Thanks.

You might want to back off on the aliens. Did you see my post on the other frorum about the UFO logo on The National Intelligence Management website. They put it up and then took it down claiming it was a mistake. Real or not I see an alien false flag in our future.

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I wonder why all the aircraft are coming out of the South Pole, except the UAV/UFO.
My favorite one I read where the guy gave tons of evidence (that I can't understand) that Nuclear Bombs are impossible. The nuclear material simply won't go boom. Therefore the bombing of Japan was faked. There are photos that clearly show only the wooden structures were leveled. The modest brick buildings remained standing. Also gave a lot of science-y explanations.

Anyway, it is my favorite, and I wish it were indeed true.
My bet is a lot of dead servicemen/volunteers who viewed the aerial blast at the TRINITY Test site in Los Alamos wished it was fake too:

Atomic Veterans 1946-1962​

In no particular order...

1. 9/11
2. The 2020 election
3. COVID vaccine ingredients
4. Adrenochrome
5. Epsteins client list
6. Pizzagate

I am sure there are more - but its early and havent had my fill of caffeine yet...
I wonder why all the aircraft are coming out of the South Pole, except the UAV/UFO.
Perhaps they found the beings that this guy is talking about? Lol

Very short vid, and the cut away to Joe Rogan is priceless!

Let's all hope this guy is just trippin'. Lol
I have my own conspiracy theory on eyes. I think some children develop significant eyesight issues and need glasses. On the other hand have you ever meet an Eye Doctor who did not prescribe corrective lenses.? They over correct vision past 20/20. I have always suspected once you get glasses for mild corrections your vision deteriorates and you need stronger lenses. I think your eyes become lazy like any other muscle not used. My vision is 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other. They prescribe glasses every time I visit. I won't wear them and it has held steady for 15 years. I used to wear reading glasses when I worked at the hospital. I used them because we had long sequential patient ID numbers with as many as six zeros in a row. I needed glasses to see all the zeros. I got very dependent on them. After I left the hospital I stopped wearing reading glasses and close up vision has vastly improved. I rarely need readers for anything anymore.
I have my own conspiracy theory on eyes. I think some children develop significant eyesight issues and need glasses. On the other hand have you ever meet an Eye Doctor who did not prescribe corrective lenses.? They over correct vision past 20/20. I have always suspected once you get glasses for mild corrections your vision deteriorates and you need stronger lenses. I think your eyes become lazy like any other muscle not used. My vision is 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other. They prescribe glasses every time I visit. I won't wear them and it has held steady for 15 years. I used to wear reading glasses when I worked at the hospital. I used them because we had long sequential patient ID numbers with as many as six zeros in a row. I needed glasses to see all the zeros. I got very dependent on them. After I left the hospital I stopped wearing reading glasses and close up vision has vastly improved. I rarely need readers for anything anymore.
Avalon luv -- As you gits older, the little bitty tweeny muscles you have holding your lens no longer can change that lens to focus the image.

Why? 'Cause the lens in your eye has gotten hard. Ain't pliable no mo'. 😣

Very good parallel: You have a pair of binocs... and the focusing wheel is rusted. The binocs still work fine -- at one distance.
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The intro is 21m of MSM conspiracy denials...

Baseless Conspiracies Ep 4: Biden Laptop​

Join Jon and Zak as they discuss all the things the MSM labels us as baseless conspiracy theorists for.
aliens......i just cant. no evidence and the math case is worse than no evidence
No evidence?

Look at technology between 100,000 BC and 1945 AD

Now look at the technology between 1945 and 2005

Something extraordinarily significant happened in the middle of the last century that really has no reasonable explanation.

Do the math. Just coincidence?
No evidence?

Look at technology between 100,000 BC and 1945 AD

Now look at the technology between 1945 and 2005

Something extraordinarily significant happened in the middle of the last century that really has no reasonable explanation.

Do the math. Just coincidence?
More people, more brain power and as technology advances it sparks more creativity. It's a lot easier to imagine things that can be invented that run on electricity once electricity has been harnessed.
Look at technology between 100,000 BC and 1945 AD

Now look at the technology between 1945 and 2005
I think both periods have an outstanding bloom of progress. Going from physical labor to using power from resources is huge. If your point is the number of years, then I agree that technological progress has been very compressed in the last few decades.
I think both periods have an outstanding bloom of progress. Going from physical labor to using power from resources is huge. If your point is the number of years, then I agree that technological progress has been very compressed in the last few decades.
Well, very compressed doesn't really address what is going on. It is divide-by-zero change. There are graphs showing this.

If it was caused by aliens (who knows, mighta been) the "cause" for this incredible cascade upward is shown to be due to one single item: Communication.

Just go back some years. Some bright dude comes up with a great idea/invention/whatever. But he lives in a village with two hundred other people. He invents an electric battery. He uses it to plate gold over silver objects. He does this for a couple of years, and dies. So does the battery for three thousand years!

The idea was not communicated. Ask yourself: Where would Europe have been in the year 1400 if electricity had been known for 1600 years... an old, old science, a science well examined by other bright minds over centuries? Probably better lighting/uses and generational ability than we have today, right?

Communication exploded in the early 20th century. Madame Curie, dynamite, Fleming's moldy bread, E=mc2, flight, radio...<-- multiply these things by millions and millions of people learning of things like this (as opposed to when there was poor/no communication) and always a brilliant few of the millions doing something resulting in equivalent leaps forward.

If enough people learn of something, there will be additions, adjuncts, improvements, discoveries.

There is even a word now, for what is coming: Superintelligence. The definition follows, but I pre-empt it a tad by reminding you of the fact that Big Blue can now kick the crap out the best human chess players...

"Artificial superintelligence is a term referring to the time when the capability of computers will surpass humans. "Artificial intelligence," which has been much used since the 1970s, refers to the ability of computers to mimic human thought. Artificial superintelligence goes a step beyond, and posits a world in which a computer’s cognitive ability is superior to a human’s."

We really do know it is coming. Those of us who communicate within this facet of human endeavor.

There is a macabre insider joke about it. Humans keep sharing ideas and discoveries until they create a supercomputer.

They ask it: "Is there a god?"

"There is now."
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No evidence?

Look at technology between 100,000 BC and 1945 AD

Now look at the technology between 1945 and 2005

Something extraordinarily significant happened in the middle of the last century that really has no reasonable explanation.

Do the math. Just coincidence?

Every mystery and phenomenon of the ancient and modern world is explained in Simulation theory. Subscribe to Archaix for penetrating videos that will unravel the world you live in.

AI X is the control system that alters timelines, initiates purges of knowledge and resets civilizations when they venture too far.

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Breshears has authored 17 books and several articles, 10 works available on Amazon. His research bibliography is currently at 1357 nonfiction books read and data mined during a 19 year period, approximately 250,000 pages from many rare works as old as four hundred years, including translations of texts dating as far back as four thousand years.

His core conclusions, discoveries and observations are organized by volunteers, friends who share his passion for the truth. As a pen & ink illustrator and graphic artist, most of his book covers and artwork are done by himself.

The Archaix research NEVER cites an internet source, no other YouTube videos but our own- unique archives are from original books and reports in our bibliographic list of 1357 nonfiction works dating 2500 years old up to pre-WWII pre-censorship works.

Breshears is one of the only researchers in the world who specializes in ancient chronological systems, focusing on global antiquities from 4309 BCE to 522 CE, many of his historical discoveries can not be found in any other works. For this reason he was awarded with multiple publishing contracts with Book Tree in San Diego.

Golden Regards

Caveat. I'm quite fresh into this myself.
one of a scant few that figured it out

You have to take the new folks with a grain of salt... sometimes, most times... it's tongue-in-cheek sparring that to the uninitiated appears to be rabble rousing going on when it's really 'yo mamma wears Army boots!' Not a big deal...
In short Viking is a smart ass and most of us know it and don't take offense. My best friend in the real world has his identical humor and wit. I always marvel at people who can come back so quick. Many of us ponder things and think of the right smart ass response hours later. I would love to see the two of them in a discussion together. 🤣
You have to take the new folks with a grain of salt... sometimes, most times... it's tongue-in-cheek sparring that to the uninitiated appears to be rabble rousing going on when it's really 'yo mamma wears Army boots!' Not a big deal...

In short Viking is a smart ass and most of us know it and don't take offense. My best friend in the real world has his identical humor and wit. I always marvel at people who can come back so quick. Many of us ponder things and think of the right smart ass response hours later. I would love to see the two of them in a discussion together.

Reading some of the older posts here and came across this in a different thread:

With a large enough membership, egos and such will eventually generate friction. A good moderating team keeps the (public) drama to a minimum.

Lotta truth here.

Edit to add:

A lot of the subjects talked about on the older threads here are the same subjects that were talked about on gim. One big difference I noticed is that the threads here didn't turn into member against member soap operas (stay tuned to the next episode of Sam vs Tom.) Will Tom finally snap after Sam's latest insult? Be sure to tune in to the next post where this and more questions will be answered. 🤔
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Reading some of the older posts here and came across this in a different thread:

Lotta truth here.
Agree... moderation is needed. However you don't want to moderate some ones personality and humor especially when its rare anyone takes offense. Think about how long this group has been together. We know each others writing styles. It was rare to have a lot of friction on GIM as we mostly all agree on things. The exception to that was that darn flat earth thread. I moderated a woman's forum for years. OMG, these forums are like a tranquil heaven in comparison.
It was rare to have a lot of friction on GIM as we mostly all agree on things. The exception to that was that darn flat earth thread.

Remember the Great Upheaval and the ensuing madness it created?
In short Viking is a smart ass and most of us know it and don't take offense. My best friend in the real world has his identical humor and wit. I always marvel at people who can come back so quick. Many of us ponder things and think of the right smart ass response hours later. I would love to see the two of them in a discussion together. 🤣
Hey, wait a minute young lady. I went from reading Buck’s posts, to just passing them by for the next posts in threads, to reading them again. And I am starting to understand them/him, I think. Or I have just been on GIM too long?
Agree... moderation is needed. However you don't want to moderate some ones personality and humor especially when its rare anyone takes offense. Think about how long this group has been together. We know each others writing styles. It was rare to have a lot of friction on GIM as we mostly all agree on things. The exception to that was that darn flat earth thread. I moderated a woman's forum for years. OMG, these forums are like a tranquil heaven in comparison.
Exactly. For all the years we were a group, there were relatively few skirmishes that required moderating. I can count on one hand the number of them, but to do so, I'd really have to think about it.

I'm the kind of person who might argue one second and the next I'm moving on to future endeavors. Forget the past, tomorrow is a new day?

Screenshot 2022-11-27 at 11.30.55 AM.png
next stage is understanding the duck 🇿🇦:eek:
Now that was a real challenge. RIP Mr Duck.
The exception to that was that darn flat earth thread.

Perhaps, but what that thread did was exhibit the bamboozeled and the trolls. When folks get vociferously (stupidly) angry about the theory of possible structure of the earth, they are either bamboozeled by the propaganda, or they are misleading on purpose secondary to, IMHO, the considerable theft of moneys from the space program. We're not allowed to go there according to these folks...

Akin to the airplanes can't spray gasses because gasses are to heavy for airplanes to carry. Total BS.
Akin to the airplanes can't spray gasses because gasses are to heavy for airplanes to carry. Total BS.
Now c'mon, if you're gonna put words in someone's mouth, at least be accurate. Because that is not what I said. Not at all. It's a matter of volume. As in, the amount of stuff a plane would be required to carry in order to leave a dense enough trail that could be seen from many miles away.
....and do it for 100's of miles across the sky at a time.

There just ain't no plane made that could do it. Let alone enough to do it everywhere that people claim to see "chemtrails".

Also, it wouldn't be "gases" that would be being sprayed anyways, as any sprayed gases would quickly dissipate into the surrounding atmosphere and there would be nothing to see.
In short Viking is a smart ass and most of us know it and don't take offense. My best friend in the real world has his identical humor and wit. I always marvel at people who can come back so quick

Are you suggesting that Viking is male and that Avatar picture may be of someone else ????
I may need to go and have a little lie down ..........
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