Most outrageous conspiracy theories

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I'm fairly sure I saw this picture on Facebook when people were making fun of those of us who took Ivermectin. Too bad many of them keep getting sick now.
My 6yo cousin had a tough summer. He found out that the tooth fairy, santa claus and the easter bunny weren't real.
My granddaughter is 12 now. She is still pretending like she believes in Santa. I think she is worried if she lets us know Santa is not real she wont get as many Christmas gifts.
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Wherein my data, pictures, scientific proofs were overcome

**Despite the (ignored) submitted pictures, proofs, scientific explanations

That "suspicion" totally overrides all logic, knowledge, data, photos, and science.

You submit nothing but your beliefs, no proof, no science, the devils logic and science perhaps.

You have proven nothing, but you are wordy.

You cannot prove that chemtrails are not occurring with your oh so articulate verbiage, and the fact that you desperately want to tells me what you really are. And it's not the human race...
I'm fairly sure I saw this picture on Facebook when people were making fun of those of us who took Ivermectin. Too bad many of them keep getting sick now.

I'm saying that it is a real possibility, and could account for some of the insane morbidity mortality.

They are saying " No, no possibility."

How the hell do they know for sure. They don't. They are pushing a political stance, "Do not look here".

I'm saying that it is a real possibility, and could account for some of the insane morbidity mortality.

They are saying " No, no possibility."

How the hell do they know for sure. They don't. They are pushing a political stance, "Do not look here".

I have spent countless hours trying to figure out why. My conclusion is people have different truths. We have ours and they have theirs. This is a conscious choice on their part to stay invested in the false system. One thing I learned working in healthcare for so many years is that many people would rather die than change. So be it. The problem really came in when our truth collided with theirs and they forced it upon us.
pic from this morning -- sprayers climbing at an INSANE gradient while spraying --- the ground beneath them is in nowhere land, vast rural area between houston and beaumont


Remember the old saying "one man's trash is another man's cash"?

One man's truth is another man's lie.

When dealing with conspiracy theories you have to look at why.

Why could be political, entertainment or profit.

Sometimes hard to tell which is which, especially when dealing with true believers.
I'm fairly sure I saw this picture on Facebook when people were making fun of those of us who took Ivermectin. Too bad many of them keep getting sick now.
I bought a big jar of 12mg Uncle Iver capsules from India, labeled as 'suitable for mammals' as soon as the discussion around Ivermectin got the msm in a tizz. It was a great feeling giving them away to friends and friends of friends who were dancing with Rona.
And ironically, I now do a small course of em when virus like symptoms occurr ( ie winter adjustment / man flu ) and they work really well. 1 @12mg a day for 5 days then 1 a week for 3 weeks for an adult of regular weight seems to be the consensus.
Looking like I will have to order another jar
pic from this morning -- sprayers climbing at an INSANE gradient while spraying --- the ground beneath them is in nowhere land, vast rural area between houston and beaumont

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about 15 years ago my daughter and I saw the vertical drones spraying. They blink in and out. One second you saw them going straight up and the next they were gone. We watched for a full 5 minutes and then they were gone.
I looked up the deal. This chemtrail crap started in 1996 after the USAF declassified a white paper that was basically a war college wet dream.

Idiots have been parroting an idiot's talking points ever since.
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
*Despite the (ignored) submitted pictures, proofs, scientific explanations as to how and why they exist.

That "suspicion" totally overrides all logic, knowledge, data, photos, and science. It triumphs because...

Of the basic problem.
Looks like you got an answer.
the devils logic
Yesterday you accused me of making disparaging comments, and today you are accusing others of essentially working for the devil. Ie:eek:f being evil.
....and just because you are being asked to think?

Wtf dude!?!? You complain about mild words from others, then label people as being evil and working for the devil?
.....and then wonder why you get talked to the way you sometimes do? Quit pretending to be a victim.

They are saying " No, no possibility."

How the hell do they know for sure.
I know for sure that they aren't real.
....and you could too if you'd just try looking at the subject and the evidence in a objective manner.
....but you admit that you cannot do that.

Which is why I made my comment about you being incapable of doing so. By your own responses, you are admitting that I was correct in my assessment.
.....and it is not disparagement to simply post what is factually true.

They are pushing a political stance, "Do not look here".
The f I am. This issue has nothing to do with politics. It has to do science and math.

Because for some strange reason, I like to help people.
....and on this subject today, I am trying to help you.
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Looks like you got an answer.

Yesterday you accused me of making disparaging comments, and today you are accusing others of essentially working for the devil. Ie:eek:f being evil.
....and just because they are asking you to think?

Wtf dude!?!?

I know for sure that they aren't real.
....and you could too if you'd just try looking at the subject and the evidence in a objective manner.
....but you admit that you cannot do that.

Which is why I made my comment about you being incapable of doing so. By your own responses, you are admitting that I was correct in my assessment.

The f I am. This issue has nothing to do with politics. It has to do science and math.

Because for some strange reason, I like to help people.
....and on this subject today, I am trying to help you.
you two are like an old married couple.
pic from this morning -- sprayers climbing at an INSANE gradient while spraying --- the ground beneath them is in nowhere land, vast rural area between houston and beaumont
Have you ever used a flight tracker in an attempt to ID those planes?

If not, you should.

All the planes I've seen on them in the area you describe are usually headed to Mexico or South America.
you two are like an old married couple.
I'm just trying to get him to think in an objective manner and to look at ALL the evidence.

Those tube clouds have a certain mass and density to them. Would you not agree? If they did not, we would not be able to even see them.
They are, after all, several miles from us when we see them. So there has to be enough "stuff" in them to make them visible.

We only see things that have enough mass to cause enough light to reflect off of it, causing us to be able to see that something is there.

They look just like clouds do, and clouds have an approx density of about one half to one gram per cubic meter of space.

*All ya gotta do is to calculate the dimensions of one of these "trails"* in meters, and then multiply by .5 to get the overall weight of the material in them.

Then dig through the stats on planes to find one that can carry that much stuff.

* calculating the dimensions is also relatively easy if one uses a flight tracker in real time in order to determine distance and altitude of the planes leaving these "trails".

Then look at atmospheric sounding data to determine temps and humidity at that altitude.

Once you know altitude and distance and temp and humidity, you can also consult an Appleton chart to see if contrails should form at that altitude.
"Once you know altitude and distance and temp and humidity, you can also consult an Appleton chart to see if contrails should form at that altitude."

Or mebbe just once... ONLY ONCE -- honestly address the chemtrails from the engines and propellers of WWII aircraft of all kinds.

Just once? Meuller?
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I'm just trying to get him to think in an objective manner and to look at ALL the evidence.

Those tube clouds have a certain mass and density to them. Would you not agree? If they did not, we would not be able to even see them.
They are, after all, several miles from us when we see them. So there has to be enough "stuff" in them to make them visible.

We only see things that have enough mass to cause enough light to reflect off of it, causing us to be able to see that something is there.

They look just like clouds do, and clouds have an approx density of about one half to one gram per cubic meter of space.

*All ya gotta do is to calculate the dimensions of one of these "trails"* in meters, and then multiply by .5 to get the overall weight of the material in them.

Then dig through the stats on planes to find one that can carry that much stuff.

* calculating the dimensions is also relatively easy if one uses a flight tracker in real time in order to determine distance and altitude of the planes leaving these "trails".

Then look at atmospheric sounding data to determine temps and humidity at that altitude.

Once you know altitude and distance and temp and humidity, you can also consult an Appleton chart to see if contrails should form at that altitude.
Sometimes you just have to let go of someone else having a different truth or reality. You going to become hypertensive!!!
Yabbut... The response is straight out of Monty Python's "Buying an argument" routine.

Of course, since I am a pilot, therefore I am almost certainly a part of the "In" crowd re: our chemtrailing attacks.

My cousin Irv started it in our Family. This side says "Four Bolts" (all buddies) The other side says "Rovin Rhoda":

HAH! While lookin' for the only picture of Irv actually flying the Rovin' Rhoda, I came across this:

The Luftwaffe Surrenders To Snedeker
c Walt C. Snedeker​

The month of April in 1944 was a time of rapid Allied advances all over Europe. Many of the combatants were naturally beginning to become more cautious as the War wound down.

But not my cousin, Lieutenant Irving Edgar Snedeker. He was the classic hot-dog fighter pilot, flying his Mustang P-51 aggressively each mission. It was April 11, and the 357th Fighter Group had just escorted a force of B-17’s to bomb Donauworth in Czechoslovakia. They had been “cut loose” by the bombers, and Lieutenant Snedeker and some of his pals went looking for trouble.

“Well, we sure found it,” Irv said later, “We decided to take a chance and shoot up the Prague aerodrome, because that is where the Luftwaffe kept several hundred of those darn Me-262’s.” (The famous jet fighters.)

The Prague aerodrome was extremely well protected by flak, so Irv and his buddies dove in through a hail of high explosives and shot up two of the Messerschmitt jet fighters, two Ju-88 twin-engine bombers, and a giant four-engined FW-200 Condor.

Irv never got to paint any swastikas on his beloved “Rovin’ Rhoda” P-51. As he was zooming along just above the ground right in the middle of the aerodrome, he heard a loud bang and felt the fighter plane shudder.

“I watched my propeller go winging off across the field,” he recalls, and thought, “this is definitely not a good thing! Some sharp-eyed German weenie had shot it off with a twenty mike-mike!"

With no altitude at all, Lieutenant Snedeker had no choice but to belly land his fighter right there in the middle of the Luftwaffe. The plane broke in half behind him, but the section he was in stayed together well.

“I climbed out and walked a safe distance away, then sat down and lit a cigarette, thinking it would probably be my last one for awhile. I can tell you that it is a very lonely feeling to be sitting in the middle of the enemy’s airport, watching your buddies flying away home.”

German soldiers arrived just a couple of minutes after the American fighters left. They took him to a detention cell in the Prague aerodrome, where he was immediately visited by a half-dozen high-spirited Luftwaffe pilots. The pilots all flew the superfast jet Me-262 fighters, and jovially teased Irv Snedeker about “flying an obsolete propeller-driven plane.” The camaraderie was surprising and very welcome. The pilots all sat down with him to play cards, and even shared their schnapps with their new POW.

After a few days, the Germans told him that he would have to be moved to the Prague jail, as the quarters he was currently in was for Germans, not American POW’s.

At the jail, he met a sergeant who had bailed out of his B-17. They spent the time together discussing what they had done and seen. Air raids were frequent, and each time one occurred, Irv and the sergeant would be hurriedly led to what Irv described as “a deep cave full of people from all over Prague”.

The people were friendly, and surreptitiously passed goodies to him and the sergeant when the guards were not looking.

It wasn’t long before Irv and the sergeant were brought back to the Prague aerodrome. The two men were amazed to see the Germans were smashing all their beautiful jet planes. They were told that the Russians were just a few days away, and the aerodrome commanding officer had a proposition for him:

“Since you are the ranking officer, Lieutenant Snedeker, we would like to surrender to you. That is the Luftwaffe and the Wehrmacht.”

A ten-vehicle convoy composed of large trucks, fuel trailers, and mobile kitchens was hurriedly assembled, and decorated all over with white bedsheets. With Lieutenant Irv Snedeker in the first vehicle, they began driving south.

The next day, they met units of the American 7th Army. By shouting some “very American invective” Irv got the Americans to avoid shooting at anyone, and all ended well.

When Lieutenant Snedeker reported to his Wing Commander, that officer grinned broadly and said, “Sned, I thought you were just going to strafe the Luftwaffe, not capture it!”


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discard the drivel from the disinfo agents. chemtrail threads draw them out in the open for all to see, EVERY TIME. take note of who they are

they also offer no explanation for things like the pics that i took myself this week and posted here. they hide from real evidence and facts

in sum, they arent worth your time/keystrokes
Yabbut -- you just got to read a true war story where a member of my Family captured the whole fargin Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht in Prague...
click on member, click ignore. added two just now. total is now 3 - one communist and two disinfo pushers
There's a name for that behavior
there are many names for that behavior. thusly, it is up to the creator to name it

if one wants to listen to agents akin to rachel maddow and george soros - that is their choice. i choose not to. i already know the smell of their vomit
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if one wants to listen to agents akin to rachel maddow

Just my opinion, but Rachel is one smart cookie. She can dig up history like no other.

For anyone interested here's a couple links to her new Ultra podcast. Some really good history there.

total is now 3 - one communist and two disinfo pushers

- One man's disinfo pusher is another man's truth teller.
- One man's commie is another man's patriot.

Been this way since time immemorial.
Sometimes you just have to let go of someone else having a different truth or reality
People may sometimes see things differently, but there is only one reality and truth.

People can hide from reality and ignore truth, but doing either does not make reality go away, nor does it change the truth of the matter.

Those "trails" are either nefariousl creations, or they are not. They can't be both.

You going to become hypertensive!!!
Naw, I'm just attempting to help people understand what it is they are seeing, and how they can go about confirming it.

There's a name for that behavior
Does it start with the letter "P"?

I bet it does.

In my opinion, they're not all idiots
If not, then they certainly think that all of us must be.

Just my opinion, but Rachel is one smart cookie.
Seriously?!? The same Rachel that everyday for at least 4 years tried to tell us that Trump was Putins puppet?

She's the dumbest one on TV. Lol

Oh wait, you must have forgot the sarcasm tag, right?
If not, then they certainly think that all of us must be.

You missed my point. Besides Putin, there are others who are fighting against the powers of the "idiots" in the West.

I don't think those who are trying to free themselves from US-Dollar-dominance are idiots. They're pretty smart.

And my post that you quoted wasn't in this thread. :)
I don't think those who are trying to free themselves from US-Dollar-dominance are idiots. They're pretty smart.
My response was mostly about our idiots here in the West.

And my post that you quoted wasn't in this thread. :)
Oh well. It was in my list of quotes and I hit Quote Messages, and went through and typed responses. Sorry! :whistle:

my cancel list is long and distinguished -- pro sports, hollygroom, nike, paypal (on your list too, no?), netflix, disney, pfizer, moderna, mcdonalds, fakebook, neocons.....and another hundred or so :)
Although you may not see this, I been doing the same, and for prolly as long or longer than you have been.
....and all but one on your list have never gotten so much as one penny from me.
they also offer no explanation for things like the pics that i took myself this week and posted here. they hide from real evidence and facts
It is just a pic with no context to it. Where exactly was it taken? Which direction were you facing? How high was the plane? What was it's heading?
How about ID'ing the plane?

A pic shows the sky as a 2d image, and that can make it hard to tell exactly what was going on in that 3dimensional airspace.
....but you already said that you refuse to actually investigate what you are seeing. Which means you just want to point and say it must be chemicals being intentionally sprayed.

click on member, click ignore. added two just now. total is now 3 - one communist and two disinfo pushers
Now why you gotta be like that? I'm highly disappointed. Being from Texas, I thought you were tougher than that and could handle a discussion on a topic with someone who disagrees with you on it.

Cancel culture! anti-America BS.
She's the dumbest one on TV.

Dumb? C'mon Joe. Shes pretty smart. And accomplished. Let's explore shall we.

She's atheletic:

Maddow has said her family is "very, very Catholic" and she grew up in a community that her mother has described as "very conservative".[12][13][14] Maddow was a competitive athlete and participated in high school volleyball, basketball, and swimming.[15]


She earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994.[17] At graduation, she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship.[18] She was the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. She had also been awarded a Marshall Scholarship the same year but turned it down in favor of the Rhodes.[19] This made her the first openly lesbian winner of the Rhodes Scholarship.[a][21] In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil[22]) in politics at the University of Oxford.[23] Her thesis is titled HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons; her supervisor was Lucia Zedner.[24]

Has a cool breeze job:

The Rachel Maddow Show

She's written books and has all sorts of awards.

Everything posted above was taken from here:

If you watched the Jan 6 Committee Hearings, she was MSNBC's main commentator. Hit it outta the park with each and every episode.

She makes some big bucks.

I don't get it. Is it simply her politics? Or is it the gay thing? If it's the gay thing I understand. Some people simply don't care for gays and believe them to be evil. But if it's not that or her politics............what is it. you think Cheka has cancel cultured my ass? :eek:

May post a tune or two later on. Have any requests?
Dumb? C'mon Joe. Shes pretty smart. And accomplished. Let's explore shall we.
Yes, she's dumb.

All her supposed smarts, yet she was unable to figure out early on that the whole Russia! Russia! Russia! BS was just that, total BS?

No, instead she chose to be one of biggest cheerleaders for it and used her show to help brainwash millions of people.

It was public knowledge fairly early on that it was nothing more than made up crap, (they call it "opposition research") paid for by the old hag, her campaign and the dnc.

don't get it. Is it simply her politics? Or is it the gay thing? If it's the gay thing I understand. Some people simply don't care for gays and believe them to be evil. But if it's not that or her politics............what is it.
It's that she's a paid shill of a mouthpiece for those seeking to destroy the nation. you think Cheka has cancel cultured my ass? :eek:
I have no idea.

cultured my ass? :eek:

May post a tune or two later on. Have any requests?
American Woman. Original or Lenny.
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