Most outrageous conspiracy theories

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Now c'mon, if you're gonna put words in someone's mouth, at least be accurate. Because that is not what I said. Not at all. It's a matter of volume. As in, the amount of stuff a plane would be required to carry in order to leave a dense enough trail that could be seen from many miles away.
....and do it for 100's of miles across the sky at a time.

There just ain't no plane made that could do it. Let alone enough to do it everywhere that people claim to see "chemtrails".

Also, it wouldn't be "gases" that would be being sprayed anyways, as any sprayed gases would quickly dissipate into the surrounding atmosphere and there would be nothing to see.
false, false, false. opinion discarded
^^^ Exactly.

It is so ridiculous one cannot help but wonder what could be the motive behind it.

But then, "don't you dare talk about this" is in fashion these sorry days, isn't it.

And well used by certain types of folks or bots...
from the (communist) everything is raysis file. every time you move your clock you are lynching obama sons

^^^ These folks are truly sick.

How is it possible that they can be considered anything but?

I guess the death propaganda is so insidious as to be unreconcilable.
^^^ These folks are truly sick.

How is it possible that they can be considered anything but?

I guess the death propaganda is so insidious as to be unreconcilable.
a lot of disturbing images are coming out from this same freak -- here's one of the milder ones

false, false, false. opinion discarded
So you actually think a 737 can carry a million pounds of cargo?

But then, "don't you dare talk about this"
I never said that. You can talk about whatever you want. All I did was to offer evidence that what you said in this particular case, was wrong.

I never said "gases" cannot be sprayed from a plane. What I said is that it is a fact that no plane can carry the amount of material that comprises the fluffy white tube clouds that you believe come from within the plane.

Payload capacity of virtually ever plane ever made, is publicly accessible.
What I have never understood is how folks cannot just LOOK at WWII pictures of "chemtrails" being left by fighter planes AND bombers. They just dismiss them as "different".


1669740295454.png 1669740310980.png 1669740402996.png

1669740193065.png <-- Note altitude of the lower box. Below contrail altitude. Not magic.

It didn't used to be a plot. It used to be a known result of burning fuel at high altitudes or causing sudden pressure reduction (propeller blades). Even LIFE Magazine could handle it:
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Nice photos. Very creative. Were you there? Did you see it at that time with your very own eyes?

All I did was to offer evidence


  • hahahaha copy.png
    hahahaha copy.png
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^^^ You obviously are incapable of refuting the evidence.

All ya gotta do is show us which model(s) of aircraft are capable of carrying the amount of stuff we can all see in those fluffy white tube clouds that you say are chemicals being released from within the plane.
The evidence you established with your words?

No, the evidence that consists of the weight of stuff that floats in the air like a cloud, and the data specs on all models of aircraft.

This is something that anyone can determine for themselves. Even you, if you are willing to have your most cherished delusion shattered.
My answer has not changed. Your words creating a narrative is evidence?


And more, I'm frankly tired of you disparaging me in this conversation.

^^^ You obviously are incapable of refuting the evidence.
This is something that anyone can determine for themselves. Even you, if you are willing to have your most cherished delusion shattered.
I'll make it easy. Just show where in the technical manual the service procedure for maintaining these "sprayer".

End item noun nomenclature will do. Extra credit for the NSN. Plus 6 if you can supply the NIN.

Don't just stare at your shoes, chemies. Produce.

At least something other than a pic of weight and balance testing

The edge will do.

The missile.

Where was McLame when the forrestal caught fire?
this morning they laid some lines down over the gulf of mexico near shore. lines with a 45 degree slant - an extreme altitude gradient for the 737- sized spraying craft. the ridiculous altitude changes are not uncommon
My answer has not changed. Your words creating a narrative is evidence?

That's just it, it's not just my words. It's published fact. All planes have a known carrying capacity. If you put more weight in one than they can carry, it'll never get off the ground.
....and the amount of stuff in those tube clouds you say are chemicals can be calculated.

A half gram per cubic meter.
...and these "trails" can go on for 100's of miles. No plane on Earth could carry that much of anything.

And more, I'm frankly tired of you disparaging me in this conversation.
Saying that you are incapable of of refuting the evidence is but a factual statement. Why? Because you have never once even made the attempt to do so. All you do is say that what I am putting forth cannot possibly be so, with no attempt to show how what I am saying is wrong.

If I am wrong, all you gotta do is show me a plane that can carry that much stuff.
....and that there are enough of them to leave these trails all around the Earth on a daily basis.

Show how what we can all see in the sky is far less than a half gram per cubic meter.
....but if it were much less than a half gram per cubic meter, you would not be able to see the things from 7 or more miles away. Ie: there would not be enough stuff there to reflect enough light in order to make them visible for people to then say, "lookee, it must be chemicals".

The only reason they can be seen at all, is due to there being a sufficient volume of material that can be seen at that distance.

You obviously cannot do that, or you would have.
So how is it disparaging to merely point out that fact?

My comment about anyone being able to figure this stuff out, "even you", is also a factual statement and was meant to explain that you can do it, but only if you are willing to try to prove it wrong to yourself by using something called falsification.
....but too many won't do that if there is a chance it would destroy what they believe in.
....and you obviously believe very strongly in a thing called "chemtrails", do you not?

All I am asking you or any other chemtrailers to do, is to objectively look at the evidence, do the calculations yourselves, and make a determination of how they get all that stuff we can see, into planes that cannot carry that much stuff.

Instead, all I get is angry responses.
....and then blamed for merely pointing out the facts of the matter.
this morning they laid some lines down over the gulf of mexico near shore. lines with a 45 degree slant - an extreme altitude gradient for the 737- sized spraying craft. the ridiculous altitude changes are not uncommon
Have you ever tried ID'ing the planes you see? It's easy to do so.
What I have never understood is how folks cannot just LOOK at WWII pictures of "chemtrails" being left by fighter planes AND bombers. They just dismiss them as "different".

View attachment 3797View attachment 3798

View attachment 3800 View attachment 3801 View attachment 3802

View attachment 3799 <-- Note altitude of the lower box. Below contrail altitude. Not magic.

It didn't used to be a plot. It used to be a known result of burning fuel at high altitudes or causing sudden pressure reduction (propeller blades). Even LIFE Magazine could handle it:
View attachment 3805View attachment 3806

Will ONE chemtrailer for the first time ever, PLEASE address the event known as WWII. If more pictures are needed, they can be supplied. Even the Germans had pictures of Luftwaffe's planes "chemtrailing".

PLEASE ADDRESS THE FACTS WITH NO SUPPOSITION/THEORIES. Just how did planes of all countries leave "chemtrails" that lasted for long periods of time?

Related: If a sum-barine showers down and hauls ass, the propellers do something called "cavitate". This phenomenon is very similar in science (not opinion) to the B-17 in the last pic above: Suddenly lowered pressures due to the propeller (plane or sub) causes changes in the fluid medium -- be it air or water. In water, it leaves bubbles of air. These bubbles of air remain for a considerable time... Not good for doing sneakies.

And this... from people that aren't in on The Sekrit Plan:

"The main reason for the appearance of a condensation trail is moist air and low temperature overboard. When fuel, kerosene, burns in the aircraft engine, hot jets of gas and steam are thrown overboard. And since during the flight at high altitude, the temperature is about minus 40 degrees, this steam becomes condensate, turning into fog or small, small ice crystals.

"Ice crystals evaporate more slowly than ordinary water. For this reason, the white jet trail remains in the sky for a very long time. At the same time, the higher the humidity of the climate and the colder it is overboard, the longer, thicker, and brighter the white stripes are."


There is no need for gazillion gallons of "chemtrail material" to be carried by all these thousands of planes. They ALL carry the material which is super great wonderful for making trails in the sky: Their fargin FUEL.


Now, to address some genuine dumping of stuff from planes: Some planes may have to dump fuel for safety reasons. This will leave a trail. Some planes fly low and dump insecticides on crops (crop dusters). Some planes might fly along and dump Agent Orange. Some planes leave colorful trails in flight demos for short periods (Blue Angels).

Please note: While the paragraph above confirms that sometimes planes dump crap into the air, these instances are not the norm for the vapor trails seen in the sky.

The norm has been clearly explained/shown/proven/known for the better part of a century:

Water ice crystals way up in -40F air. It is only a mystery to those who dearly desire it to be a mystery and who will not accept basic, thoroughly known and understood information to the contrary.
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Even the Germans had pictures of Luftwaffe's planes "chemtrailing".
Well then, that can only prove that the Germans and the Allies were secretly in cahoots with each other, and puttin' on WW2 just to make the sheep believe they were on opposing sides!
....and all because they wanted to spray chemicals all over everyone!

Now, to address some genuine dumping of stuff from planes: Some planes may have to dump fuel for safety reasons. This will leave a trail. Some planes fly low and dump insecticides on crops (crop dusters). Some planes might fly along and dump Agent Orange. Some planes leave colorful trails in flight demos for short periods (Blue Angels).

Please note: While the paragraph above confirms that sometimes planes dump crap into the air, these instances are not the norm for the vapor trails seen in the sky.

Ahhh, so it certainly is possible that planes can, and do dump chemicals into the air over populations, and have been doing so at least since the Vietnam war, some 50 plus years ago of chemtrailing and killing maiming <redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets>s.

So while I certainly cannot verify, or submit in evidence that chemtrails rather then contrails occur, after the way this current scamdemic is being run, I have no doubt that they are utilizing airborne chemicals to disable populations further.

Again I am admitting that I do not know, but am suspicious secondary to what I believe is possible, given the fact that we are dealing with the devil here, and am looking for an explanation for the increased morbidity and mortality other than the jab, although they may work in concert. Someone telling me that such events are not possible make me wonder as to their intent.
I have no doubt that they are utilizing airborne chemicals to disable populations further.
If so, it's pretty obvious that it does not work. The human population is bigger than ever.

So while I certainly cannot verify, or submit in evidence that chemtrails rather then contrails occur,
So do some actual research, as opposed to only looking at things that feed what you already believe.

Again I am admitting that I do not know,
Again, do some actual objective research on the subject.

but am suspicious
There is nothing wrong with that, but mere suspicion is not proof. Have you even examined the data that suggests you may be wrong in your conclusions?
Quit telling me what to do.

Trust me when I say, you have no sway over anything to do with me or my thought process.

Quit telling me what to do.
You said you did not know for sure, so I merely asked you to do the research for yourself that would give you the info you need in order TO be able to know.
Ahhh, so it certainly is possible that planes can, and do dump chemicals into the air over populations, and have been doing so at least since the Vietnam war, some 50 plus years ago of chemtrailing and killing maiming <redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets>s.

So while I certainly cannot verify, or submit in evidence that chemtrails rather then contrails occur, after the way this current scamdemic is being run, I have no doubt that they are utilizing airborne chemicals to disable populations further.

Again I am admitting that I do not know, but am suspicious secondary to what I believe is possible, given the fact that we are dealing with the devil here, and am looking for an explanation for the increased morbidity and mortality other than the jab, although they may work in concert. Someone telling me that such events are not possible make me wonder as to their intent.
This post shows the very basic problem.

It refers to my long post begging the chemtrailers to just fargin LOOK at the "chemtrails" made by B-17's, Bf-109's, etc. ALL THROUGH WWII.

Looking at pictures is easy. This was not done.

The description of just how those white trails in the sky have been made for most of a century, and just what they consist of (ice crystals in -40F air), and a picture of a B-17 from 80 years ago, still on the ground demonstrating "cavitation"... (no chemicals needed for what became a "chemtrail" that wet day, right?)

All of that, and all the effort I put out to get INFORMATION, and proofs, and old pictures... went to naught as it was all too horrible to think about. Nope, we see all of that was iignored, while the desperate non sequitur leap was made to Vietnam -- which became the sole input to cement the "chemtrail" fantasy belief.

Wherein my data, pictures, scientific proofs were overcome immediately by: "I certainly cannot verify..." "I have no evidence..." -- resulting in the flat denial-statement: "I have no doubt..." followed by

"I am admitting that I do not know**, but am suspicious..."

**Despite the (ignored) submitted pictures, proofs, scientific explanations as to how and why they exist.

That "suspicion" totally overrides all logic, knowledge, data, photos, and science. It triumphs because...

Of the basic problem.
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