Most outrageous conspiracy theories

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All her supposed smarts, yet she was unable to figure out early on that the whole Russia! Russia! Russia! BS was just that, total BS?

No, instead she chose to be one of biggest cheerleaders for it ...

You are aware that media personalities don't control the content of their shows, right? They get paid to push narratives.
You are aware that media personalities don't control the content of their shows, right? They get paid to push narratives.
Then like I said, she's a paid shill who peddles stuff that was known at the time to be lies.
I like the credible theories.

Mel Gibson's CONSPIRACY THEORY starring himself and Julia Roberts is packed full of them.
Just watched it again. It hasn't aged.
That, folks, was a fuel dump.
see it all the time. in the video they are switching chem tanks. nothing to do with fuel

off topic but related ---- the chemtrails as part of the fuel is misinfo. observation and logic preclude that conclusion. no reason to put your precious engineered chemcrap into a tanks with kerosene/jet fuel -- then burn it.

as the video shows, they turn the spraying on/off - i witness it in person all the time, including yesterday. this eliminates the mixed-in-the-fuel canard

in the near/medium term i will be taking and posting pics. pics that the gov shills on here will not be happy with. but they'll still lie and try to hide the truth -- just like they did for years on that other site
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Hey EO,
How do I get paid to be a shill? Seems like good honest work, type all day just peeing in other peoples cornflakes, sit back and collect a check... unfortunately all these new bugs in my tummy won't let me divide or conquer. I think the bugs might have taken over my asylum...

Really would appreciate your chem updates, my current theory is they are just trying to make us taste more like chicken...
in the near/medium term i will be taking and posting pics. pics that the gov shills on here will not be happy with. but they'll still lie and try to hide the truth -- just like they did for years on that other site

It would be cool if you can also check one of the many flight tracker sites so you can gather details about who owns the aircraft. You should be able to determine exactly who owns the plane and where they take off and land. Should be interesting.

I suspect that pics alone would probably just re-enforce anyone's existing opinion/biases on this topic.
It would be cool if you can also check one of the many flight tracker sites so you can gather details about who owns the aircraft. You should be able to determine exactly who owns the plane and where they take off and land. Should be interesting.
You can also determine altitude and distance. Which goes a long way towards allowing one to know the size of these trails they see floating in the sky.
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