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Add a steady wind to a fire and the temps get up there pretty fast. Black smiths work with fires in their shops that range from 2500-4000 degrees.
Its NOT the absolute temps. Its the differences in materials in the same immediate area. This was a weapon that causes electrical condition. Think infrared lasers or high powered microwave guns (but longer wavelength than a microwave).
Actually you can go back to the War of Northern Aggression. This nonsense in Ukraine is important lots of other things are too but open borders is one of if not the biggest problem. Europe will become unrecognizable and the US will become that too.
These people are capable of anything.
Notice only the thinner edges of the wheel melted?
It's not impossible for weird stuff to happen.
Those are fractured likely from thermal expansion. One of those parts heated much faster expanding and cracking off the rest of the rim.
Yep, makes me want to go off into the woods someplace and forget it all. Maybe join a tribe in Brazil or something.The f'ing world is losing its mind. It's like all the Hollywood movies and computer games have finally altered what people think is possible or real. The whole thing is turning into some sort of twisted fantasy divorced from reality yet somehow still lethal if you are unlucky or inconvenient.
Yep, makes me want to go off into the woods someplace and forget it all. Maybe join a tribe in Brazil or something.
I was thinking about buying some GDX tomorrow so the chances of me being wrong are pretty high. I'll look at puts on GLD instead I guess.He's split his bets a bit with the DXY down Gold down thing, pretty good odds one will be right in the short term, knee-jerk reactions will ensure that for some period. Certainly enough time to make a revised video!
They could get away with the grass theory causing the fire. Maybe but they blocked the roads and limited water to fight the fire. I was born at night...That seems very plausible.
Like many have said even if the $ can rally it doesn't mean the metals can't. I think as long as they can keep the DX from staying under 100 it won't fall apart.DXY Weekly again... Just looks like a near term downturn is in play. No new higher high, double top looking, if we get a lower low next the trend down is still in play. The $64Q is bottoming or continuation...
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They could get away with the grass theory causing the fire.
Like many have said even if the $ can rally it doesn't mean the metals can't. I think as long as they can keep the DX from staying under 100 it won't fall apart.