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We have very different definitions of Inflation. I believe this is one of those terms that has been either corrupted (like in politics the term Anarchist) or has been more accurately used. This is a good article.
Defining Inflation | Mises Institute
The U.S. government's plan to introduce an improved Consumer Price Index that theoretically would measure inflation more accurately is an exercise in futility.mises.org
If you wanna just talk about money supply than just state that... no need for another term.
If you want "Inflation" to be ONLY the money supply then you need to invent a new term to describe the more complicated processes that increase prices.
First, you've already lost that battle. 99% of people think of Inflation as price increases and decreases. That is ultimately what they care about, not some obscure number.
So where is that money being eliminated from in the economy?
Is that deflationary to the overall economy?
We have a debt based system and so it's ALWAYS increasing so who cares?
They pointed out a tree in a forest and missed the bigger picture.
So give me the four terms and then what you call the Sum
Inflation = Monetary (Supply & Demand) and Physical Goods (Supply & Demand).
As opposed to what ? = Inflation/Monetary Demand and Physical Goods (Supply & Demand)?
Can it be deflationary when the fed gov is spending like there is no tomorrow and now there is no debt limit until 2025 I think? As someone mention
The Report from Iron Mountain "predicted" as much. Also global climate crisis fills the same need.Think about why this UFO nonsense is being released now. We have to unite as a planet to fend them off. One World Order. Some people will believe any GD thing the govt tells them. Remarkable.
Credit Crunch: The Money Supply Has Shrunk For Eight Months In a Row
Credit Crunch: The Money Supply Has Shrunk For Eight Months In a Row | Mises Institute
With negative growth now falling near or below –10 percent for the third month in a row, money-supply contraction is the largest we've seen since the Greatmises.org
Credit Crunch: The Money Supply Has Shrunk For Eight Months In a Row
Credit Crunch: The Money Supply Has Shrunk For Eight Months In a Row | Mises Institute
With negative growth now falling near or below –10 percent for the third month in a row, money-supply contraction is the largest we've seen since the Greatmises.org
The Report from Iron Mountain "predicted" as much. Also global climate crisis fills the same need.
Think about why this UFO nonsense is being released now. We have to unite as a planet to fend them off. One World Order. Some people will believe any GD thing the govt tells them. Remarkable.
Distraction of course.The two narrative questions...
1. Why am I hearing about this?
2. Why now?
I got no chance with Elliot if the guy who wrote the book failed with it eventually. Did have a few good years though. No thanks.
I agree with Lancers that the Elliot thing can be maddening. When I do fiddle with it I find that one has to first move out to big picture stuff in order to properly cone down on where we are at in the medium or short term. Look at this 20+ year chart:If you have the interest and time, try and fit Elliot wave patterns to the gold daily chart from late 22. I'd be interested to see what others come up with.
No interest and no time? Yeah, I get it. LOL.
In the addendum to Prechter's first book the blue hard cover copy he said that Gold could still be in a bear market even if it made a new high. After I read that I looked at Elliot in a different light.
We should get a pretty good idea on the pm complex this week.
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