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I guess the caveat to that is money supply measured against real growth in demand/need for a bigger/smaller pool of dollars. AKA, What is the neutral point in terms of money supply for a growing or shrinking economy. Is the money supply at the moment just shrinking along with the shrinking real demand for it. I don't know, and I don't see that we can ever determine what that neutral point really is. We simply don't have those numbers, at least not ones I'd trust.
It's called inflation guys. They are probably having to start monetize the debt. Not enough buyers anymore.
So much for that frigging break I was supposed to be taking. What a fail... {sigh}
Spot the addict.
... this is not your father's great inflation.
If that line doesn’t hold I’m selling every ounce of this shit metal and never looking back. Jmho
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No one knows but I am seeing more bearishness around the internet concerning the metals.
They are convinced that Covid was ONLY a supply caused inflation. That's completely wrong in my opinion,
I'm seeing the predictions of sub $1600 Gold and below $16 Silver again. Is it positive? Who knows but unless we are going into another bear market which I doubt I think any declines from here are good buying opportunities. Most definitively could be wrong. I am not using any leverage.So you read that as...?
The contrarian in me wants to be +ve.
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